Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Old Faces, new faces.

So apparently JJ Barea, Eddie Jones and Desagana Diop and possibly even Eduardo Najera are currently in discussions regarding playing for the Mavs again, unfortunately getting Diop back will most likely involve our entire MLE, but the great thing is its the first step in Cuban fixing the boo boos in his ridiculous dream trade from earlier in the season, the immediate firing of Avery Johnson and then the refusal to change the lineup clearly states, that none of this was any fault of the players and all Avery's fault... or so Cuban thinks.

In any case Gerald Green or as I like to call him "the poor guy that didn't stand a chance against Dwight "Superman" Howard in the Dunk Competition" (its just a little pet name.) has verbally agreed to sign a 1-year deal with the Mavs, this could be interesting as I am pretty sure this would make him the youngest SG on the Mavs roster, maybe he'll become a starter and show true potential, the way I see it, he likes to dunk, Kidd loves alley oop passes, Howard could be great again, Dirk will alway be Dirk, Diop is going to be back, we've got ourselves an Ok starting line up.

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