Thursday, June 19, 2008

Finally over.

I would have been fine if both the Lakers and Boston both lost, but Boston finally put the playoffs to bed, and through all of Kevin Garnett's crying and spitting, and Paul Pierce's cockiness, I did my best to look past the green and white jerseys, past Garnett's spitting speech, and see Dirk spitting and crying and thanking everybody for being so patient with him for so long..

What the heck is it going to take to accomplish that though? a whole lot more than what Jason Kidd and the rest of the gang had to offer, that's for certain..
rumor has it that the Maverick's are looking to buy their way into the first round, that's a good start, but from there, you're going to need a whole lot more.. however I am interested in seeing Renaldas Seibutis and Reyshawn Terry representing Dallas, though I'm not sure what to think seeing as how Nick Fazekas was given a spot on the roster over both of them.

So what's going to be Donnie Nelson, Mark Cuban? we need a change.. nothing as drastic as changing a point guard in the middle of the season, but something.. we need an answer.

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