Friday, June 27, 2008

2 New Mavs.... well kind of.

Ok, so maybe everyone isn't as excited our recent additions as they would be if we had bigger names, but you never know what good things you got until you give em a chance, or worse until you trade them for an aged up point guard.. oh yeah, went there.

Anyway, a day after drafting Shan Foster, The Mavericks have signed a fellow by the name of Derrick Low to their summer league team, from what I've been reading up on this guy (seeing as how I'd never heard of him.) he could be useful if he were to make himself a permanent spot on the roster, the most important asset that he would bring would be youth, because right the boys in blue are looking bone dry old, also he's not bad on the eyes, oh don't worry... that's perfectly ok for me to say... Didn't I mention I was a girl?

Anyway, I can't say that a lot is going to be riding on the shoulders of Low or Foster, but it would be nice for once if the Mavs struck gold at the bottom of the pot, well there was that time that we found that Brandon Bass fellow, every dog has its day I guess!

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